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NZ and Australian tourism bosses to partner to attract foreigners

Australian and New Zealand tourism officials are looking to combine to help promote the two nations.
Australian tourism officials are set to travel to New Zealand, which will host a meeting that will see the two nations discuss ways to increase foreign tourism to both nations. 

The event will mostly involve ways to attract more Chinese tourists, a move that Australia has already been focussed on in recent times with its move to offer better assistance and information to high-end visitors from China.

“The Tourism Ministers Meeting is an opportunity for Australian and New Zealand ministers to monitor progress on important tourism strategies, policy and to exchange views on international tourism trends that affect both countries,” New Zealand associate tourism minister Todd McClay said in a statement.

He said that the decision to work together comes from the fact that tourism figures show that visitors from the northern hemisphere tend to visit both nations in one trip, making it important that they work together to promote what they have to offer.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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