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Queensland government boosts infrastructure

The PICC in Queensland is seeing a boost in responsibility from the state government.

The government in Queensland is boosting the role of the Property and Infrastructure Cabinet Committee (PICC) to ensure that infrastructure projects within the state are a top priority.

Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said that when the PICC oversaw the implementation of planning reform commitments during the Newman government it proved it was useful.

He added: “The premier has made it plain that we must have a more disciplined approach to infrastructure decisions, get better value from the state’s infrastructure assets and get the private sector more involved in infrastructure provision."

The new duties that PICC will be taking on include putting together a portfolio of infrastructure projects that should be top priority based on the perspective of the whole of the state's government.

Additionally, PICC must drive reforms that are intended to boost value for money and benefits gained from Queensland government infrastructure assets, investments and networks.

Posted by Craig Francis

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