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Australia attracts a more wealthy type of Chinese tourist

Australia is now starting to see an influx of more wealthy Chinese tourists.
Australia is now starting to see an influx of more wealthy tourists from China - a reality that could see investment levels in the nation rise once again in the future.

In the past few months, the number of tourists coming from the likes of the UK and the US have been boosted by things such as the visit of the royal family and the filming of popular TV shows in the nation.

However, it is Chinese tourists who could have the biggest impact, with people from the country having been among the biggest property investors in recent times.

Tourism Australia said that although the number of people visiting from China fell, the demographic who were coming to Australia for holidays changed drastically, with each person who visited spending an average of 17 per cent more than in the year prior.

“We’re seeing a positive change in our visitor mix - away from group shopping tours towards a more independent, higher spending Chinese visitor, enjoying higher quality visitor experiences, said Tourism Australia managing director John O’Sullivan.

"Increases in independent travelling visitors means more Australian tourism businesses are getting to welcome Chinese, as they go farther and experience more of our country.”

Posted by Steve Douglas

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