A tenants' organisation has called for new protections to be offered by the government to people who are renting properties.
Tenants Union New South Wales (NSW), which is celebrating 40 years of its existence, indicated that new security laws could improve the circumstances of renters.
The organisation, which campaigns for better tenancy laws and specialises in advising tenants on how to deal with unreasonable landlords, observed that renting is a growing trend among certain segments of the population.
According to the union, over one in three residents of NSW are renting - and this is increasingly the case among families with children.
Furthermore, this demographic is also thought to be renting for longer periods of time than they have been doing in the past.
Ned Cutcher, senior policy officer at the Tenants' Union of NSW, said: "Renters in NSW can still be told to leave their home for no reason.
"There are no limits on how often rent can be increased and there needs to be an easier way for renters to challenge an excessive increase."
Mr Cutcher said a change in laws could make it possible for people to feel more like a property they rent really is their own.
"Our renting laws need to change to provide greater security for everyone who makes a rented house their home," he commented.
To mark its 40th anniversary, the Tenants Union hosted a forum followed by a party on Monday (August 15th), where a video titled My House, My Home: Views from Macquarie Street was launched. In this clip, MPs spoke about their renting experiences.
The Tenants Union emphasised the fact that it has historically made significant contributions to the implementation of fairer laws and simpler dispute resolution processes, ensuring tenants have a strong voice.