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Obama win prompts avalanche of hope

America has voted in Barack Obama as their 44th President, bringing to an end 8 years of troubles under the Bush Republican Adminsitration.He brings with him a level of support and belief not seen for decades in the USA and this could be enough to restore pride and confidence in the largest economy on the planet, which in turn could see a quick end to the financial turmoil that has engulfed the world in the recent past.

Finally, after all the wait and speculation, we wake up today with confirmation that Barack Obama is the new President Elect of the United States of America.

In an overwhelming vote of confidence, America has brought about the Change we all hoped for and given him a landslide victory to become the 44th President and first African American leader.

The Democrats have a lot to celebrate as they now hold the balance of power in the Senate and the Congress as well as controlling the White House.  This could prove to be momentous as the Obama Administration will be able to bring their agenda’s through Government and into law with the least potential resistance.

The whole world has celebrated the arrival of Obama as President Elect, as it offers the chance of restoring peace in a world battered and bruised through the War in Iraq, oil prices and now the Global Financial Crisis.

For over a year now, we have been saying that the main problem was the destruction of confidence in markets and fear stifling common sense.

Mark this day in your diary as the one where Hope was returned to humanity, and Change became the catch cry that restores faith and confidence to our economies and personal lives.

We now will watch with great anticipation as to what measures are taken to stabilise markets in the interim period between the election and inauguration in January.  In my mind the Global meltdown was more a crisis of confidence than anything else, and simply voting for change can bring us along way along the healing path.

What ever happens, we can rest assured that the Era of Uncertainty that has been the hallmark of the Bush Administration, is rapidly drawing to a close.

If Obama continues the momentum of the election, and gains the trust of the US people in resurrecting their economy, then this negative period will become history very soon and we will enter one of the most prosperous periods for individuals rather than the corporate excess that has led us to this precarious position.

Regardless of your political persuasion, you can not help but be impressed with the strength of Obama’s words, we now look for him convert them into actions and deliver on his promise of hope.

Click here to watch Obama's acceptance speach

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