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Most immigrants in Australia only temporarily

Most international migrants are only in Australia on a temporary basis.

While Australia houses a high population of international migrants, a survey shows the vast majority of these are only visiting on a temporary basis.

The State of Australian Cities 2013 report from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport claimed that of the 29 million people crossing the border annually, 96 per cent of these are only on short term visits.

Many of these come to the country using a 457 visa, otherwise known as skilled migration. This visa allows people to join a company in Australia if they have a specific skill set that is in shortfall within the country. They can stay in the country for up to three years but could be granted permanent residence.

According to the report, 85 per cent of skilled migrants live in Australia's capital cities where there is a high demand for people with the knowledge to work in transaction industries.

Yet the Labor government has been trying to reduce the number of 457 visa approvals and has put in tighter restrictions for companies looking to hire skilled migrants.

Posted by Ravin Chatlani



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