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MBA calls for action on Fair Work Act review

Challenges faced as part of the Fair Work Act should be addressed, MBA has stated.

Master Builders Australia (MBA) has called on the government to act on the recommendations set out in a report reviewing the Fair Work Act.



According to the organisation, inflexibilities in the Act should not hamper the Australian property construction sector from playing a key role in improving productivity for millions of companies and workers across the country.



"The Fair Work Act review must be seized as an opportunity to lay the foundations to make meaningful change. It would be a shame for the opportunity to be wasted because of partisan politics," commented MBA chief executive officer Wilhelm Harnisch.



Earlier this month, MBA backed the announcement of a new investigation into the costs associated with Australian property construction.



Mr Harnisch noted labour makes up approximately 50 percent of all costs associated with construction and therefore it is good news that these figures will be taken into account by the team tasked with heading the review.



Posted by Steve Douglas



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