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Investors 'capitalising on mining boom'

Property investors are making a profit from the Australian resources scramble.

The impressive growth in the resource market has impacted on Australian property investment, with rents soaring in mining areas.



Queensland investors have seen a huge increase in profit margins over the last year, Australian Mining reports.



Moranbah real estate manager Bella Exposito told the news provider investors had seen $200 to $300 (£130 to £180) growth on properties since September. She added that units had seen a boost of almost £1,000, indicating how the mining boom has increased demand for property across the country.



"I've been dealing real estate for almost 20 years and I've never seen anything like it," she said.



Ms Exposition predicted that the market could increase by up to 20 per cent in the next year if conditions continued to be positive.



The rise in engineering-related construction recently saw the Australian Performance of Construction Index rise by 1.4 per cent, despite a disappointing showing from the residential market.



Posted by Steve Douglas



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