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Housing supply issues 'are ongoing'

An ongoing housing supply gap is being witnessed across Australia.

New data has highlighted the poor management of the gap between housing supply, demand and population growth across Australia.

The latest State of Australian Cities report from the federal government has revealed a rising proportion of Australians are having difficulty in securing their own home, with the gap between population growth and housing supply now at its widest in more than a century.

The Property Council of Australia reports the problem is presently being worst felt in Sydney, where average block size has fallen in recent years, while the price per sq m for property has risen sharply.

Earlier this month, Master Builders Australia (MBA) claimed the present state of the Australian property sector remains "soft".

MBA chief executive officer Wilhelm Harnisch claimed: "The building industry is anxiously looking to the October and December 2012 interest rate reductions to help lift new housing demand from the doldrums."

Posted by Steve Douglas

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