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DIAC launches blog on skilled migration policy

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship has launched a blog relating to Australia's skilled migration policy.

A blog has been launched by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) with the aim of promoting Australia's skilled migration policy.



This blog will detail the existing skilled migration policy and highlight potential programme changes.



It will also act as a vehicle for engagement with the community, so that awareness about skilled migration in Australia is increased.



"We want communication to occur across a number of channels, not just in print media," said a spokesperson for the department.



To facilitate this, the department has been developing its Facebook page and YouTube channel.



"The department is committed to communicating effectively with the Australian public," the spokesperson added.



They went on to say that the department hopes a range of people visit the new blog, from journalists to academics and government agencies to the general public.



Last month, Skilled Group claimed that Australia's resource and energy sectors are in need of half a million workers.



Posted by Steve Douglas



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