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Clear space and get paid

The environment is becoming more and more an important issue.The NSW Government recently recognised the effect of low effiecieny technology by encouraging people to dispose of old fridges that can prove harmful to the environment.A new cash rebate is available if you happen to have an old fridge ready to be placed on the scrap heap.
Having a second fridge around the house can seem handy, but the electricity costs and greenhouse gas emissions are often hard to justify. Older fridges use large amounts of energy, often up to three times that of newer models.

The great news is, you can now get rid of that old fridge - and even get paid for doing a good deed! Depending on where you live, TRUenergy and the NSW Government's Energy Savings Fund and Councils are supporting a Fridge Buyback scheme - if you live in metropolitan Sydney, have a working second fridge (e.g., 2 fridges plugged in right now) that is at least 10 years old, 250 litres or larger, Fridge Buyback will collect the appliance for free, and send you a cheque for $35.

With the removal of an extra old-model fridge, you stand to save energy and an average of $160/yr on electricity bills, while helping protect the environment. Even better, TRUenergy will refurbish your fridge to make it efficient and give it to customers experiencing financial hardships.

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