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Census highlights a changing society

The latest census data has revealed a changing Australia.

Some of the more interesting facts from the 2011 census data have been highlighted by Smart Company.

According to the findings, the number of unskilled workers in Australia fell to below ten per cent last year - its lowest ever recorded level - while the amount of people attaining a bachelor's degree or higher grew from 1.4 million in 2001 to 2.3 million in 2011.

The news follows recent comments from first assistant statistician at the Australian Bureau of Statistics Dr Paul Jelfs, who highlighted a drop in the number of individuals who smoke across the country.

He noted: "Smoking rates are down across all age groups, particularly for people aged under 45."

Meanwhile, the amount of emigrants heading abroad to live grew considerably during the last decade, rising from 4.8 per cent of all Australians in 2001 to 6.4 per cent last year - highlighting the fact that Australia is a nation that loves to travel and explore other cultures.

Posted by Craig Francis

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