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Australia at the Crossroads - 12th Annual Market Update Seminar 2018

Australia, like the rest of the world, seems to have moved from a sensible reality to a fictional environment.
Australia at the Crossroads - 12th Annual Market Update Seminar 2018

Australia at the Crossroads - 12th Annual Market Update Seminar 2018

Australia, like the rest of the world, seems to have moved from a sensible reality to a fictional environment.

Australia, like the rest of the world, seems to have moved from a sensible reality to a fictional environment.

Politically, we have just seen our fourth Prime Minister in succession be removed by their own party, each before completing even one full term after their election!

This absurdity is not isolated to the political environment and our society is challenged by many issues including housing affordability, education and health standards and political correctness.

Despite global and internal influences, Australia has enjoyed over 23 years of economic growth, seen the property market become one of the most expensive, whilst also experiencing an ever increasing escalation in social benefits, general living standards and average incomes.

Many consider this to be luck instead of design and offer a gloomy image of the future. So, has Australia peaked and is it now ready to move into a period of decline like much of the old world?

What factors have helped Australia to defy the odds and are there powerful enough influences to sustain the dream or will it turn into a nightmare?

Watch the seminar above to find out:

  • What will be the potential fall out of yet another fallen Prime Minister
  • The key factors and challenges shaping the Australian future socially & economically
  • How international markets may track in the coming year
  • If the Australian Dollar has bottomed out
  • Prospects for the Australian property market in the coming year

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