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Property Council calls for housing plan

The government should have a plan for delivering new Australia housing infrastructure, the Property Council has claimed.

Australian property investment from the federal government is needed to deliver the infrastructure necessary for a rapidly growing population, the Property Council of Australia has claimed.



Property Council chief executive Peter Verwer told the National Press Club the country needs to install an incentivised planning system which rewards states for delivering affordable housing and punishes them for failures.



Mr Verwer added that the current haphazard system would lead to irregularities and unevenness between states, reports the Herald Sun.



He added that many cities need to consider how to deal with increasing levels of traffic and more people commuting into major cities.



"Congestion charging should be examined but it will only work if there are alternatives that people can use,'' added the chief executive.



The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that Australia has an overall population growth rate of one person every one minute and 34 seconds.



Posted by Steve Douglas



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