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Tax review concerns highlighted

A tax body has expressed concerns over the apparent slip of the government's tax review.
A tax body has expressed concerns over the apparent slip of the government's tax review.

The Taxation Institute of Australia is alarmed at what it said is the slipping of the Henry tax review down the list of priorities.

Prime minister Kevin Rudd indicated the analysis of tax would be put on the backburner as the public health takeover plan is now the government's priority, the Australian reported.

He revealed there is no specific timetable for the Henry tax review, with the institute's senior tax counsel revealing concerns over the move.

"We're extremely concerned that the government seems to have omitted tax reform from its list of priority issues," Robert Jeremenko told the news provider.

Meaningful tax reform is needed and should be prioritised, he added.

Government issues should be balanced, Mr Jeremenko continued, pointing out that the report has been available since before Christmas last year.

The healthcare plans would establish local networks of hospitals to work together on delivering services and are to be discussed next month.

Posted by Craig Francis

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