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Tax authority chasing evaders

The Australian tax authority is well placed to pursue tax evaders, according to a leading global tax expert.
The Australian tax authority is well placed to pursue tax evaders, according to a leading global tax expert.

Australia has a network of tax treaties through which information could be gathered about offshore avoidance vehicles, according to the OECD's head of tax police Jeffrey Owens.

He told the Herald Sun: "The Australian tax authority would be able to ask for information if they thought that these people were not paying the correct amount of tax.

"I would also add that Australia is again quite an active player here."

It comes as the Australian Tax Office and Australian Crime Commission continue their investigation into the tax affairs of Crocodile Dundee actor Paul Hogan and director John Cornell.

The pair, along with financial advisor Tony Stewart, are under investigation as part of a $300 million (£167.4 million) Operation Wickenby tax fraud probe.

All three men continue to deny any wrongdoing in the case.

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