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SA taxation 'must be more competitive'

South Australian taxation needs to be made more competitive in order to enable businesses to compete with firms in other states, it has been claimed.
South Australian taxation needs to be made more competitive in order to enable businesses to compete with firms in other states, it has been claimed.

The current regime is particularly detrimental to business owners attempting to expand into South Australia, according to Liberal opposition party finance spokesperson Steven Griffiths.

Speaking to ABC, Mr Griffiths explained that the current state government is not committed to tax reform.

He told the news service that businesses from other states are likely to think investing in the state will be too hard.

"The current state government wants to "take money out of the pockets of business property owners and they'll go elsewhere," he warned.

He was commenting following the publication of the latest report from the Institute of Public Affairs, which indicated that South Australian taxation is higher than in any other of the country's states.

The report suggests that lower taxes could help to improve the states prospects, in terms of investment, growth and employment.

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