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Water Saving Rebates announced for Queensland homeowners

Water is a precious reseource in Australia, and the Queensland Government is offering icash ncentives to conserve water in the household.

Premier Peter Beattie has urged all South East Queensland householders to take advantage of the water saving rebates that became available from July, 2006.

The program, operated in conjunction with SEQ local councils and coordinated by LG Infrastructure Services, could save as much as 21,000 litres of water per household each year.

By the end of the program, it is estimated that we will have saved 3,150 megalitres per year (equivalent to 3,150 Olympic sized pools)," Premier Beattie said.

The Premier said the key elements of the rebate scheme are:

  • Up to a maximum of $1000 for the purchase and installation of rainwater tanks.
  • Up to $200 towards the purchase of a 4star (or better) washing machine.
  • Up to $150 for each of up to two dual-flush toilets (including installations).
  • Up to half of the purchase cost of AAA showerheads to a maximum of $30 per showerhead.
  • Up to half of the plumbing cost of above ground greywater systems to a maximum of $200.
  • Up to $500 for council approved below ground greywater systems.
  • Up to $200 for pool covers with a roller.

The government is providing $15 M to LG Infrastructure Services to fund the Home WaterWise Service, which will allow householders to pay just $20 in return for services and goods worth $150, including having a licensed plumber to visit the home, install a range of water efficient devices and provide advice on water saving strategies.

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