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Victoria 'has grown too fast'

Victoria's population has increased too quickly, putting pressure on Australian property, the state premier has admitted.
Victoria's population has increased too quickly, putting pressure on Australian property, the state premier has admitted.

John Brumby said he was comfortable with a population growth rate of up to 1.7 per cent, which he likened to a car travelling at 100 km/h, the Age reported.

However, figures have suggested that the state grew by 2.2 per cent over the last financial year - equivalent to "speeding" at 130 km/h.

Furthermore, growth this financial year and next is set to remain at similar levels of 2.1 per cent and 1.9 per cent respectively, only returning to Mr Brumby's ideal in 2010-13.

The current rate is the highest "in a long, long time", he said.

"We will add about 100,000 people. We may add more people this year than Queensland - that remains to be seen; we almost did last year."

The population is growing due to the popularity of Victoria with immigrants and a higher fertility rate, he added.

New jobs in Victoria could also be attracting migrants, with nearly 100,000 opportunities created in the state in less than a year, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Posted by Craig Francis

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