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Think globally, act locally

Making small changes in our lives can not only help to safeguard our environment, but also save us some money.Something as simple as turing off an unsed light can make an enormous difference.  Here are some useful tips that we can all follow to help the cause.

There has been a lot of talk recently about climate change and the effect of global warming and the effect it will have on our environment and homes.

Sydneysiders will take group action this month when they collectively turn off their lights for an hour at 7:30 p.m. on 31st March, but there are plenty of less drastic actions householders can do to reduce their contribution to global warming.

Each year a typical home will pump approximately 11 tonnes of carbon dioxide out into the atmosphere, causing damage to the ozone layer. This can be reduced simply by switching to compact fluorescent bulbs, turning lights off when you don't need them and turning appliances off completely (leaving them on `standby' can chew through 10 per cent of your electricity bill).

The Australian Environmental Labelling Association (AELA) has compiled a short list of actions you can take every day to save both energy and money around the house. The list also shows the effect your actions will have over a year's time.

Did you know -

By...  Over a Year You Could Save...
Turning your heating thermostat down by 1°C Approximately 10% off your heating bill
Turning off lights when not being used Up to 20% off your lighting bill
Taking a shorter shower (4 minutes) Over one-third off your hot-water heating bill
Use draught stoppers under doors Approximately 5% off your heating bill
Switch off infrequently used appliances Up to 80% of the energy used
Air-dry clothes instead of using the drier Approximately $20 in electricity
Unplug and recycle the second fridge $50-$80 in electricity

For more information, visit

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