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Sydneysiders asked for opinions on property future

The future development of Sydney will take into account the thoughts and opinions of the city's residents through an interactive campaign.
The future development of Sydney will take into account the thoughts and opinions of the city's residents through an interactive campaign.

The Australian homes of the future will be influenced by not only the growing population, but their thoughts on urban development.

Councils in Sydney have launched an interactive campaign which calls on residents to voice their views on how the region will evolve, bearing in mind that by 2030 there will be nearly one million extra people living in western Sydney.

These people will need Australian homes, as well as jobs, and mean infrastructure must be updated.

"After decades of inadequate long-term planning and often haphazard development, we want to give people the chance to design the western Sydney they want to live in," explained Alison McLaren, president of the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils.

The project, called Western Sydney 2030, begins with a website containing background information and calling for opinions.

It asks people what kind of Australian homes they want to be living in, who they will reside with and what facilities they want nearby.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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