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Sunshine Coast housing affordability 'must be improved'

More needs to be done to improve the availability of affordable housing on Australia's Sunshine Coast, it has been claimed.
More needs to be done to improve the availability of affordable housing on Australia's Sunshine Coast, it has been claimed.

Families need access to more secure Australian property options in the Queensland region to combat the prevalence of overpriced or unavailable housing, according to the Sunshine Coast Housing Affordability Taskforce.

The organisation has welcomed a commitment by the Queensland government to invest in further social housing.

Taskforce chair Anna Grosskreutz underlined the extent of the problem for families.

She said: "People need access to secure housing options to enable them to get on with their lives.

"When there are affordability problems children suffer from changing schools, friends and social networks are broken, parents travel too far for work and overcrowding in homes can damage people's health."

The Gold Coast Housing Needs Assessment published in 2007 indicated that only a fifth of all households in Gold Coast City will have children by 2026, down four per cent compared to 2001.

Couples without children are expected to be the largest category.

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