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SA migration increases

Thousands of people migrated from South Australia to other states in the country last year, new statistics have shown.
The number of people that moved from South Australia (SA) to property elsewhere in the country was higher than the number of people that arrived in the state, new figures have shown.

A report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), called SA Stats, reveals that a net loss of 3,000 people was recorded between June 2009 and June 2010.

Most of the people leaving the state were aged 25-29, with a net loss of 700, followed by the 20-24 age group, which had a net loss of 500.

"South Australia was one of four states and territories to experience net interstate loss in 2009-10, along with New South Wales, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory," a statement from the ABS reveals.

It goes on to say that Queensland recorded the highest net interstate migration increase in 2009-10, with the state gaining an extra 9,600 people.

Last month, minister for immigration and citizenship Chris Bowen announced as part of the Budget that the Australian government is to implement a range of regional migration initiatives in 2011-12.

Posted by Ravin Chatlani

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