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Rural QLD property 'is increasing in popularity'

The popularity of Australian property located in rural Queensland is rising, an expert has claimed.
Australian property located in rural Queensland (QLD) is increasing in popularity among foreign investors.

This is according to Queensland University of Technology's property economics professor Chris Eves.

He told API Magazine that it is the area's rich agricultural soil and low land prices that are proving irresistible to these buyers.

"We're starting to see corporate agriculture come onto the scene with sizeable purchases into Queensland as a lot of countries are concerned about their ability to feed a growing population," said Mr Eves.

He went on to say that China, the UK and United Arab Emirates are the top three nations that have their eye on rural Australian land.

Mr Eves said that real estate investment trusts have noticed the increase in foreign interest in rural land and have started to invest in property in these areas themselves.

Last month, the Property Council of Australia claimed that Queensland's 2011-12 Budget should centre on housing.

It believes the primary focus should be rebuilding the confidence of Australian property investors in the state.

Posted by Ravin Chatlani

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