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REIA calls for national licensing of estate agents

National licensing of estate agents is a matter of concern for the REIA.

Chief executive officers from Real Estate Institutes from a host of territories throughout Australia have joined together to issue a call for the national licensing of estate agents.

Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) bosses from Queensland, the ACT, Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have all now offered their support for such a move.

REIA president Pamela Bennett commented: "We vehemently contest the dumbing down of standards for our profession and the abolishing of compulsory professional development will leave both agents and consumers worse off."

She added that the latest response to the Regulatory Impact Statement regarding licensing in Australia could leave both agents and consumers worse off if plans for reducing the level of qualifications for those planning to become licensed are put through.

Earlier this month, the REIA claimed the introduction of licensing measures could drive up standards for the whole industry.

Posted by Craig Francis

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