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Regional areas 'do not get enough attention'

The media focuses too much on Australian property in the country's major cities and not enough on that in regional areas, Michael Matusik has claimed.

Australian property in regional areas of the country does not get enough attention, an expert has claimed.



Michael Matusik, of Matusik Property Insights, wrote in his latest blog entry that the media focuses too much on the country's major cities and not enough on its towns and villages.



This means that many property investors do not understand the potential of houses and apartments in these regional areas, he explained.



"Regional Australia is on the cusp of some big demographic changes. Close to two-fifths of our new jobs [are] now being created away from our major cities and in regional towns. Past trends suggest that population growth will follow," Mr Matusik's blog reads.



Last week, David Airey, president of the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA), said that the government has set a strong agenda for managing population growth.



He also said that the REIA will help to improve infrastructure delivery, transport, jobs and housing to cope with this growth.



Posted by Steve Douglas

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