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Queensland homes 'could be powered by new windfarm'

As many as 15,000 Australian properties could be supported by a new windfarm development, it is believed.
A number of Australian homes could be powered by a new windfarm in the country which has now gained official approval, it has been revealed.

According to the Tablelands Regional Council site, proposals to create a wind power facility in East Evelyn have been given the go-ahead by the organisation, with the High Road development set to be capable of supporting 15,000 homes.

In total, 17 turbines will feature at the new windfarm, with each possessing three blades.

Along with the turbines, the council's website confirmed that an electricity substation and visitor viewing platform will also be introduced.

The Tumoulin Road and Kennedy Highway intersection will provide the location for the new wind power development.

When it comes to the environmental commitments of Australia, the country's Large Scale Renewable Energy Target and Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme are both currently implemented by the Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator.

Posted by Craig Francis

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