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Queensland buyers 'gaining confidence'

Homebuyers are gaining confidence regarding purchases in Queensland.
Confidence is continuing to pick up for homebuyers in Queensland, new data has shown.

According to figures in the latest Genworth Homebuyer Confidence Index, 36 per cent of borrowers believe now is a good time to buy property in the area.

"We're pleased to see Queensland recorded a 4.2 per cent rebound in overall homebuyer confidence since March, on the back of recovery from natural disasters and improving property prices," Genworth chief executive officer Ellie Comerford told Australian Property Investor.

The index also revealed almost 60 per cent of homeowners that were affected by the January floods in Queensland have now fully recovered from their ordeal.

A further boost to homebuyer confidence could also come from the latest announcement from the Reserve Bank, which stated it aims to hold interest rates at their present level for the next two years in order to provide greater stability to the Australian economy.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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