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Qld election candidates urged to act on housing

Housing stress is a serious issue facing many Queenslanders, a lobby group has claimed.

Over 180,000 Australian homes in Queensland are facing housing stress as people struggle to pay their rent or mortgage, according to property lobby group Australians for Affordable Housing (AAH).



AAH campaign manager Sarah Toohey has urged Queensland electoral candidates to bear this statistic in mind, arguing that they should make the provision of affordable housing and serious structural change to the property and rental industries top of their list of priorities.



"The lack of housing policy coming from candidates demonstrates a real lack of understanding on their part of the real issues facing Queenslanders," suggested Ms Toohey.



She added that governments across Australia's states need to cooperate efficiently if they wish to attempt to deal with the housing crisis facing many in the country.



AAH recently welcomed the appointment of Brendan O'Connor as housing minister, expressing its hope that this move indicated a new focus on property issues from the federal government.



Posted by Steve Douglas

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