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Put your home on show

If you are thinking about selling your property, here are some useful tips about how to make sure that it is ready and presentable to ensure you can achieve the highest potential sale price.

Most of us know what it is like when someone important is visiting: whether the guests are friends, in-laws, or a business associate - priority one is making sure the house is clean and presentable.

The same applies when selling your home: first impressions count, and while you can't always judge a book by its cover, buyers are likely to pay more for a book that's good looking and well kept, than one that's old, tattered and uncared for.

If your home is (or is soon to be) on the market, here are a few simple tips to help your house give its best first impression -

  • Starting outside, tidy the lawn, bushes and larger plants as best you can, and remove dead braches and foliage that can clutter up the garden and detract from the overall appearance
  • Inspect the front door and archways near the entrance to your home, carry out any repairs or maintenance needed (possibly a paint job or just a quick clean)
  • Sort through everything in closets and storage areas, throwing out or donating old clothes, magazines and furniture to local charities, leaving less to move and creating a greater sense of space
  • Check around the house for leaks, as drips and leaks can suggest poor maintenance. Caulk around showers, bathtubs and sinks to help prevent leaks and improve the appearance (caulk now comes in different colours so it can look even better than the original)
  • Have a professional steam-clean carpets to remove any stains, pet hairs and odours
  • Vacuum all floors, paying attention to corners where walls meet the floor - it's amazing how a clean floor adds to the overall appearance of a room
  • Replace light bulbs around the home, using wattage appropriate for each room and fixture
  • If you have a pet, clean away its sleeping and eating areas and take it for a walk while your home is being inspected, as some people have either allergies, concerns or both when it comes to animals.

Ask your agent to examine the property for specific advice to make your home more competitive on the market.

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