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Plans to build more NT property unveiled

Plans to build more Australian property in the Litchfield Shire in the Northern Territory have been unveiled by the state government.

The Northern Territory's government has revealed plans to build more Australian property in the Litchfield Shire.

According to lands and planning minister Gerry McCarthy, the Rural Villages Discussion Paper and associated area plans were developed as part of the Darwin Region Land Use Plan.

These suggest creating rural villages at Berry Springs, Humpty Doo, Howard Springs, Coolalinga/Freds Pass and Noonamah.

"We are consulting with the rural community on our concept plans for shops, services, housing and community centres throughout the rural area," said Mr McCarthy.

He went on to say that the territory is growing, and so is demand for more property.

Mr McCarthy asserted that building new housing would bring more people to the areas and increase commercial, retail and community service opportunities.

Last month, figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that the population of Australia's Northern Territory increased by an average of 2.3 per cent each year from 2005 to the end of 2009.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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