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Perth residents 'desire detached homes'

The vast majority of Perth residents dream of owning their own detached home, a new study has indicated.

Perth residents dream of owning their own home in the suburbs, a new study has revealed.

Research conducted jointly by the city's Department of Housing and Department of Planning found that 79 per cent aspire to have a detached house of their own.

Some 35 per cent said they would consider a semi-detached home, however the study revealed that just 12 per cent of properties in Perth are of this nature, reports Perth Now.

The research revealed that cost and affordability remains the main factor in determining where people live.

However, proximity to work is also a common consideration when selecting a home, the report indicated.

"The study is an important snapshot, which shows that the combination of affordability pressures and desire to live in well-connected locations is driving an evolution in housing,'' said general Eric Lumsden, director in the Department of Planning.

"We expect to see these evolve further in coming years, as the ageing population and other demographic shifts drive housing demand in the Perth-Peel region.''

Posted by Craig Francis

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