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PCA: Minister for housing is positive step

The Property Council of Australia has praised the government's decision to install a permanent housing minister.
The Property Council of Australia (PCA) has expressed its pleasure at the role of housing minister being made permanent by the government and wished Brendan O'Conner all the best in the role.



Caryn Kakas, Residential Development Council executive director, said the decision indicated the central role property can play in the economic policy of the country and in driving growth over the coming years.



"This reform agenda must focus on the broader operation of the housing market and identify the appropriate role for governments in removing the underlying market barriers to delivery," added Ms Kakas.



She argued that the elimination of unnecessary planning delays, structural changes to the current taxation system and good interaction between the state and federal government will all drive property development.



Mr O'Conner's appointment was also welcomed by lobby group Australians for Affordable Housing, which expressed its hope he would begin to deal with the affordable housing problem facing the country.



Posted by Steve Douglas

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