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NT housing minister shopping around

Dr Chris Burns, the Northern Territory's minister for public and affordable housing, is set to visit Australian property developments in Adelaide and Melbourne.

The Northern Territory's minister for public and affordable housing is set to visit Adelaide and Melbourne to look at development projects which could be adopted in his own state to benefit its residents and any migrants who move there.

Dr Chris Burns said he will inspect affordable housing projects in the cities and will also meet the South Australian Housing Department.

He explained that the South Australian government has done work to redevelop public housing and has incorporated private housing in new developments in order to make the changes cost neutral.

"I will be looking at the work they have been doing, to see if similar projects would be feasible in the territory," Dr Burns added.

He went on to say that, by the end of the year, the construction of new public, social and affordable Australian property will either be completed or underway in the state.

Back in September, Tod Peterson, director of Peterson's Property Search, told API Magazine that the property market of the Northern Territory's capital Darwin was very much in favour of buyers.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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