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New land release for Adelaide

The government has approved plans to build a great amount of new Australian property in Buckland Park, Adelaide.

New Australian property is to be built in Buckland Park in the Adelaide area of South Australia, the state's government has announced.

Jack Snelling, acting South Australia minister for urban development, said that 1,340 hectares of land are identified for urban growth in the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide.

"This project has the potential to generate job opportunities during its construction and provide positive benefits for the retail sector in nearby Virginia and beyond," he said.

Mr Snelling went on to say that around 12,000 new properties will be built in the area over the next 15 to 20 years, which will house a population of about 33,000 people.

He said that building new properties "helps to reduce pressure on prices" while also maintaining a supply of affordable housing for those living in South Australia.

Earlier this week, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that 1.6 million people were recorded as living in South Australia at the end of the June quarter of this year.

Posted by Craig Francis

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