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Migration surge 'demands further Australian property investment'

Surging migration growth in Australia demands further property investment, it has been claimed.
Surging migration growth in Australia demands further property investment, it has been claimed.

Speaking to AAP, Real Estate group chairman Brian White has indicated that investing in Australian property will help to mitigate housing supply shortages throughout the country.

He told the news agency: "There's very little communication between the different levels of government in really creating sustainability visions for our cities.

"The Prime Minister's talked about doing this in recent days, but we've heard this talk before."

Figures released earlier this month indicated that Chinese migration to Australia is higher than any other nationality.

Chinese migration rose to a record 6,350 in the four months to the end of October, while migration among UK and New Zealand nationals, traditionally the largest sources of intake, has declined.

This is despite increasing tensions between the two nations in recent months, although steps are being taken to improve ties.

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