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Kickstart program aims to bring new skills to construction trade

The head coach of one of Australia's top AFL team has pledged his support to the Kickstart apprenticeship program.

The Kickstart program, which pledges to triple the incentive payments to small and medium businesses who take on apprentices, could potentially bring thousands of new skilled workers into the construction industry.

The initiative has received a boost after Kevin Sheedy, head coach of the Greater Western Sydney Giants AFL team, offered his support to the program, according to an article by Senator the Hon Chris Evans.

Mr Sheedy, himself a former plumber, is encouraging school-leavers and young workers to think about undertaking an apprenticeship, whilst also urging businesses to sign up to the scheme, saying: "Taking on an apprentice or a trainee allows you to train your future workforce to your standards, how you want the job done. And that's got to be good for business."

After being launched six months ago as part of a $57 million dollar investment by the government to help provide new skills to young people, Mr Evans says the programme is already seeing significant levels of uptake across the country.

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