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Infrastructure investment 'has been inadequate'

Not enough funding has been provided to deliver sufficient improvements in city infrastructure in recent years, Australian Property Investor reports.

The latest assessment from the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) has highlighted a failure in infrastructure investment over recent years, Australian Property Investor reports.

UDIA national president Julie Katz told the publication that the new Australian Cities 2012 report shows a significant increase in the gap between population growth across the country and the provision of new housing stock to meet this need.

In addition, transport infrastructure is not being upgraded sufficiently quickly to cope with the growing number of city inhabitants.

She added: "The net result has been residents in new outlying communities being exposed to congestion while productivity in general has suffered."

The news follows the recent unveiling of the new City Centre Master Plan by Brisbane City Council.

It highlights how the city will look by the year 2031, including development of a range of new amenities, as well as a focus on greener living.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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