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Flexible superannuation model recommended for Australia

A review of retirement savings legislation and practices in Australia has suggested that a new superannuation model should be adopted.
A review of retirement savings legislation and practices in Australia has suggested that a new superannuation model should be adopted.

The Super System Review by the federal government suggests that those that take little interest in the status of their super should be placed in low-cost funds.

Those that take a greater level of interest in their retirement savings would be able to opt for a more high-cost loan - a flexibility that may chime favourably with expats considering a move into Australian migration property.

Review chair Jeremy Cooper indicated that the proposals are a long way off final recommendations on governance.

He said: "'Bells and whistles' come at a cost and if you don't want them, you shouldn't pay for them.

"For those members who want choice, or who want to drive their own super, they will have lots of options."

Recent figures released under the Super System Review indicated that the average self-managed super fund had a balance of $456,000 (£255,656).

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