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Chinese continue to boost Australian tourism

Visitors from China are the second biggest contributors to tourism in Australia.
Chinese visitors to Australia continue to be the second-biggest contributors to the country's tourism sector, with only near neighbour New Zealand being more profitable, a new report has shown.

According to the International Visitor Survey (IVS), the spread of tourists across the whole of Asia has increased in recent times, but China remains the biggest nation in the continent for Australia.

"Tourism is Australia's largest services export. The jobs of over 929,000 Australians are linked to tourism and the coalition government is committed to supporting tourism as a key job creation industry," said Andrew Robb of the importance of the sector.

He added that in the space of the last year, Chinese visitors had increased their spend in the nation to some $5.1 billion, leaving them firmly in second place behind New Zealand and well ahead of any other nation.

Other Asian markets that are starting to perform well for tourist numbers now include the likes of Malaysia, Hong Kong and India, all of which have a high number of people looking to invest in foreign property - a reality which could prove fruitful for Australia in the future.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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