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Australia tops list of UK emigration destinations

Australia has been named the most popular destination for UK residents looking to relocate to a foreign country.

High numbers of UK residents have expressed their wishes to relocate to an Australian property as part of a new survey carried out by Post Office International Payments.

According to the results, 27 per cent of people have considered moving to overseas destinations, with 20 per cent stating that they remained open to the idea.

Australia was named the most popular location as 21 per cent of participants suggesting that they would like to live or work there, with the US coming in second place.

The survey results also found that those who said they would like to move overseas were encouraged by an improved quality of life and warmer climate.

Sarah Munro from Post Office International Payments said: "Taking the plunge is a big emotional and financial upheaval, and it isn't surprising that the worry of leaving family and friends is the main barrier."

Earlier this month, Eynas Brodie - editor of Australian Property Investor - suggested that moving to Australia was a fairly simple transition for UK residents.

Posted by Craig Francis

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