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Australia the perfect move

A man has revealed that his life has become nothing short of perfect since moving from the UK to property in Australia.
 man who moved from the UK to property in Australia has spoken about how the transition has improved his life.

Andrew Westbrook told Australia and New Zealand Magazine that he has no regrets about moving from Clapham in London to Sydney last year

"Moving to the other side of the world and landing on your feet tends to give you the confidence that you can do anything ... life's kind of perfect now," the 33-year-old-said.

Later this month, those living in the UK but considering making the move down under can get more information and advice at the Down Under Live event.

Due to be held in London's Business Design Centre on September 18th and 19th, the event will include a number of exhibitors, such as teams from the governments of South Australia and Western Australia, as well as companies from all over the country.

Hundreds of jobs will be advertised at the event and people will also be able to gain advice on property investment in Australia.

Posted by Ravin Chatlani

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