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Australia 'is crying out for skilled expats'

Australia is crying out for the talents of skilled UK workers, an industry expert has claimed, which could interest those contemplating moving to property in Australia.

Skilled workers contemplating moving to property in Australia should take the plunge now as the country is crying out for their talents, an industry expert has claimed.

James Pearson, the chief executive of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, told the BBC that Australia is a "migrant-based society".

He added that, unlike other areas of the developed world, there are many attractive positions available in the country for skilled workers.

"The real danger to western Australia, and the Australian economy more broadly, is that if we can't fill the jobs that are being created, then some projects will be delayed, some may not even go ahead," Mr Pearson told the news provider.

Earlier this month, the Sunday Mercury reported that a record number of families in Birmingham, England, are leaving the city and investing in Australian property.

Paul Arthur, director of the Emigration Group said that Birmingham had become an "emigration hotspot".

Posted by Steve Douglas

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