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Australia 'has world's most transparent real estate market'

New statistics have shown that Australia has the most transparent real estate market in the world.
Australia has the most transparent real estate market in the world, new figures have suggested.

Figures published by Jones Lang LaSalle and LaSalle Investment Management revealed that there has been a slowdown in the rate of increase of transparency worldwide.

Rosemary Feenan, head of global research at Jones Lang LaSalle, claimed that transparency is one of the key drivers of a city's competitive strength. She said: "Our research revealed there is an increasing number of cities where regulations and laws are being enacted to give clarity to the markets."

Ms Feenan added that transparent cities are more likely to attract investors looking to buy new houses, which could include property in Australia. Jacques Gordon, LaSalle Investment Management's global head of strategy, added that the biggest strength provided by transparency is the rapid opening up of markets following the economic downturn.

This follows up a recent report by international estate agent Knight Frank which found that the Australian property market is the fourth fastest-growing in the world.

Posted by Craig Francis

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