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Aussies are 'optimistic about the environment'

Environmental concerns are easing across Australia.

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has highlighted increasing optimism among Aussies regarding the state of the environment.

According to ABS director of environmental surveys Caroline Deans, four years ago eight out of ten Australians claimed to be concerned about environmental issues in the country, but this figure has now fallen to just six in ten.

"Half of Australia's population now rates the condition of our natural environment as good; this is up from our last survey where the rate was less than one third," she commented.

Ms Deans added that the proportion of people reporting water restrictions in their area has fallen from 76 to just 30 per cent over the last four years.

In addition, ABS director of the National Centre for Education and Training Statistics Andrew Webster recently noted that more people are achieving higher education qualifications across the country, with the number of Aussies holding a Bachelor's degree having risen by 25 per cent between 2001 and 2012.

Posted by Steve Douglas

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